The Canary Islands Special Zone, Canarias ZEC, is a low taxation regime authorized by the European Union in 2000 for companies or branches intending to carry out in the Canary Islands activities included in a long list.
Authorized ZEC Entities enjoy a reduced rate of 4% of the Corporate Income Tax rate, instead of being subject to the general rate of 25% CTI rate in force in Spain, among other advantages, i.e. 0% withholding tax in the sending of dividends to the ZEC mother company, no matter in which country this is, 0% indirect taxation for import of goods, etc..
Onsdag 10 mars kl 09:00-09:30.
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Detta är ett stående arrangemang från SMTF som kommer att hållas onsdagar var 14:e dag. Inbjudan till SMTF möter... kommer att finnas på SMTFs hemsida och skickas ut till våra medlemmar.