UNITED-GRID webinar: Becoming active distribution managers
 25/03/2021 13:00

Becoming active distribution managers

Integrating advanced distribution management tools and adapted business models as an important step in the transition path

In this webinar, three different distribution system operators will explain how they include innovative grid modernization tools and new grid operator responsibilities in their own daily business as a necessary step to tackle future challenges.
Depending on their needs, they implemented solutions to better manage the grid and improve observability, predictability and controllability, with different types of forecasting and measurement tools in real DSO environments.
Innovation for them also includes increasing cyber security, exploring new investment options and adapting to new services and markets.

13.00 CETIntroduction

Future requirements and a new role for the DSO
Joni Rossi, RISE Research Institutes of Sweden

Henrik Forsgren, Göteborg Energi, Sweden
Sylvain Berlioz, SOREA, France
Han Slootweg, Enexis, The Netherlands

Advanced features for distribution grid management
Lucile Lemius, Atos Worldgrid, France

How can DSOs improve their congestion forecast?
David Steen, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden

Renewable forecasting tools
CEA, France

14.30 CETEnd of webinar


25/03/2021 13:00

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