Material och Produkter i kontakt med dricksvatten Seminarium 1 (2023)
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Welcome to:

Materials and Products in contact with drinking water
March 23st, 2023 kl. 09:o0 - 15:00
Welcome to the first seminar of 2023 focusing on Materials and Products in contact with drinking water. The seminar targets all relevant actors within that area. Last updates regarding legislation, research results and best practices in the sector will be shared.

The purpose of this seminar is to share last information regarding the legislation and regulations of the recast of the Drinking Water Directive (DWD) with a focus on Materials and Products in contact with drinking water. A strong focus on best practices and environmentally sustainable solutions for material and products in contact with drinking water.
23/03/2023 09:00 - 23/03/2023 15:00

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Registration Form
Please choose one of the following fees depending on who you are:*
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(to be filled only by non-members)
If you are unsure about your invoicing details please double check with your administration to get all the details right. Many companies and organizations have an invoice address that is different from both their postal address and from their delivery address.
Make sure that you provide the correct legal name of the company that should receive the invoice and its full postal paper address as our standard procedure is to send a paper invoice. If you require the invoice to be sent via e-mail write this in other information below.
Company identification number. In Europe VAT registration number. US companies - Federal Tax ID number (FIN) or Social Security Number (SSN). For companies outside Europe and US - national company registration number.
Which of the following is correct for your company? (to be filled only by non-members)
* Fields marked with a star are mandatory
I agree that my personal data is stored and used for purposes directly linked to Material och Produkter i kontakt med dricksvatten Seminarium 1 (2023) 23/03/2023 09:00.
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The registration has been closed since 21/03/2023 23:55.