Welcome to SALLPI webinar on May 24: Legal issues and external control of CSPs
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Welcome to SALLPI webinar on May 24: Legal issues and external control of CSPs
When an organization is looking to start using elasticity or to be more precise elastic computing (i.e. so called “Cloud services”) hosted by an external part, there are several issues to take into consideration whilst the organization is planning to do the “transcendence” into the “promised land of elasticity”.

Secana Omegapoint together with Ancautus AB will present some of the more crucial but often overlooked challenges. These challenges ranges from architecture designs that could work for your organization and for which business function that may use it, to the more intricate and “hidden” legal aspects of state sanctioned information gathering and data protection.

The presentation will be split into two separate webinars, the first one will cover the Legal aspects and data protection issues in a non-technical and non-juridical way. The second webinar will be a more in depth presentation of the more specific questions an organization needs to cover before taking the “leap” into the “sea of elastic computational services”, but here we will also give some answers. 

Questions can be posted in the chat during the presentation or sent to the contact person after the event.

  • US legal: US Fisa, Patriot, Freedom act, and cloud act, the function on a non-technical and non-legal level but linked to the business.
  • Examples and statistics on how AWS, MS and Google share information with the US and other states
  • Use case AWS
  • China Legal: NIL and the risks involved, in particular Articles 7, 9, 14, 16, 17
  • Summary of threat risks
  • Discussion and Q&A

Time: Monday May 24 at 09:30-10:30
Online: A link to the meeting will be sent closer to the event.

Contact person: Ali Balador at RISE

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