09.00 - 09.05: Welcome and introduction
09.05 - 09.30: Key Note: “Challenges and threats from a vehicle manufacturers perspective”: Niklas Florén, Wireless Car
09.30 - 09.45: Cyrev (AB Volvo) Project manager explains the scope and status. Interesting Key findings and questions: Peter Wirén
09.45 - 10.00: Cyrev in-depth: Analysis of Cybersecurity Mechanisms with respect to Dependability and Security Attributes: Behrooz Sangchoolie
10.00 - 10.15: Pause: Fika
10.15 - 10.30: CONSERVE: A Framework for the Selection of Techniques for Monitoring Containers Security: Rodi Jolak
10.30 - 10.50: Similarities and differences of ISO 26262 and ISO/SAE 21434: Aljoscha Lautenbach, Evidente
10:50 - 11:00: Questions
11:00 - 11.20: Threatmove. Project goals and progress: Niklas Wiberg, Scania
11:20 - 11.40: ISO 21434 and how threat modeling tools can support it: Nikolaos Kakouros, KTH
11:40 - 12.00: securiCAD and its support for vehicle attack simulations: Per Eliasson, Foreseeti
12:00 - 13.00: Pause: Lunch
13:00 - 13.15: Casus. Scope explained and challenges: Mazen Mohammad, Gothenburg University
13:15 - 13.30: Technical presentation: CASCADE approach for creating cyber security cases: Mazen Mohammad, Gothenburg University
13.30 - 13.50: Pause: Fika
13:50 - 14.35: Panel discussion - Please send in questions in chat during the day
14:35 - 14.55: Disinformation in vehicle communication: Susanne Stenberg and Joshua Bronson, RISE
14:55 - 15.00: Wrap up