Post-consumer textiles is a serious societal issue currently being highly debated. Clothing has always been an important part of human civilization, but recently the piling up of used textiles has become a major issue. How do we deal with it, as a consumer, society, and industry. Can we be smart about it and turn the problem into a new solution and innovation? Find out more!
When: Thursday 14 December 2023, 8:30 - 9:15 You will meet: Abhilash Sugunan, Project Manager RISE and Kristoffer Sydlén, COO Racoon Miljöfilter AB |
Tens of millions of tons of post-consumer viscose and other regenerated cellulose textiles are generated annually. Funded by the Bioinnovation program of Vinnova, RISE partnered with an air filter manufacturer, a textile recycler and a brewer to explore bio-based alternative materials for manufacturing of air-filtration media.
Air purification is a big and topical issue, with applications in both indoor climates and the automotive industry. Many air filter materials are based on fossil raw materials. The main aim of this project was to develop bio-based filter materials, based on residual products from the textile industry.
During the webinar we will describe the project activities and key results, including outlook for the future on converting used textiles into valuable materials for the air-purifier market.
This webinar is number two in RISE's webinar series focusing on upscaling of bio-based materials. The series consists of three digital events where the audience meets colleagues and researchers who talk about how we at RISE have helped some of our customers with upscaling of various kinds.
For those of you who are interested in the subject or want help to get started with the work on upscaling bio-based materials, these events are excellent opportunities to learn more.
This second webinar aims at you who work in textile branding and textile production, textile sorting and recycling, pulp processing, air-filter manufacturing or if you are a curious member of the public. Everyone is welcome.
The webinars take place during three mornings in the darkness of December, starting on 11/12 at 8:30.
Information on the other webinars in the series:
(In Swedish)
(In English) Warmly Welcome! |
Abhilash Sugunan, Project Manager RISE
Marie-Claude Béland, Research- and Business Developer RISE |