Verification and Validation of Automated Systems’ Safety and Security
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VALU3S Newsletter June 2022

The VALU3S Team whishes you all a very nice summer! See you all in August again.

VALU3S Blog article
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Blog article number 9: ISO12100 Standard - how Risk Analysis contributes to design of safe machinery
Risk analysis is an interconnected process that provides a systematic methodology for defining measures or other interventions to protect health in an effective, proportionate and targeted manner. A tool that provides common information for all those who need to perform a risk analysis is the set of ISO standards. ISO stands for “International Organisation for Standardisation”, an organisation responsible for defining the technical standards that an entity must comply with to conform to specific evaluation parameters. The guidelines defined by ISO certifications are voluntary: adherence to them is not required by law, but is necessary to obtain them. These certifications are concerned with certifying the company’s compliance with evaluation criteria to establish the presence of specific elements within the company’s processes.

Read the full article >
VALU3S Workshops - Spring 2022
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IPR Workshop, Spring 2022

On 12 April the VALU3S consortium attended a small workshop on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) given by Horizon Results Booster, an initiative created by the European Commission to support the dissemination, exploitation and business plan development of European funded projects.

During the interactive lecture held in the afternoon, topics such as the importance of protecting intellectual property, the current methodologies to protect the outcomes and the procedures to be followed were discussed. In particular, special emphasis was placed on patents, although it was pointed out that this is not always the best way to safeguard intellectual property, highlighting other alternatives such as trade secrets.

This workshop allowed partners to learn about the wide range of possibilities that exist for the protection of their intellectual property and the benefits that this protection can bring to VALU3S. A second workshop on this topic is also expected to be scheduled with the European Patent Office in the coming months.
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New publications from VALU3S

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VALU3S year-2 review meeting 28-30 of June

On 29th and 30th June 2022 the 2nd year Review Meeting of VALU3S project has been held at RISE premises in Gothenburg. All the Consortium Partners were present, as well as the ECSEL officer and the experts.

On the first day, VALU3S partners have reported all the work done in the 2nd year of the project in the different work packages, highlighting the results achieved so far and the next steps until completion of the project. On the second day, a demonstration session has been held in the morning to showcase methods, tools and use-cases through pitches, posters and live demos. While in the afternoon the Consortium has visited the test track of AstaZero, a full-scale independent test environment for future road safety. AstaZero’s test site is unique since it is specifically developed for tests and research surrounding active safety.

This meeting, indeed, has been a great opportunity for the consortium to report the progress status of the project and to define major improvements to implement from now to the end of the project. Furthermore, all partners have had the possibility to meet again physically after the 7th GA held in May and to reinforce team working and cooperation.

The whole Consortium thanks RISE for the great hospitality and the excellent organization and the partners within the Swedish cluster for sponsoring the meeting. Looking forward to meet all of you in the next GA.
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Figure 1: the beautiful building of Orona Idea Campus in Hernani, San Sebastian (ES)
VALU3S 7th General Assembly and Consortium Meeting: finally all together live!

The 7th General Assembly and Consortium Meeting has been held on 17th-18th May 2022 in San Sebastian (ES) with the support of the partners within the Spanish cluster. The event was located in the brand new and futuristic facility of Orona Ideo Campus, in Hernani town.

After two years of virtual meetings due to pandemic breakout and consequent travel restrictions, finally all the 41 VALU3S partners had the occasion to take part to the first physical plenary meeting. It has been very nice (and sometimes also weird) to see live faces of people with which partners are collaborating since 2019.

The first day of meeting was dedicated to the presentation of objectives and activities planned for the third and last year of the project in the morning, while in the afternoon a demonstrator session has taken place. Within the latter, VALU3S partners had the opportunities to showcase methods, tools and use-cases involved in the project through pitches, posters and live demonstrations.
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Figure 2: VALU3S partners during the demo session
The second day of the meeting was fully dedicated to the rehearsal of the several presentations for the Review Meeting of the second year of the project, which took place in the end of June. Partners were indeed prepared to report major advancements of activities and results achieved during the second.

To conclude, it has been a very intense but grateful meeting. Partners are indeed ready for the final rush up to the end of the project, making all the best to make VALU3S successful!
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A message from the partners within the Spanish cluster
At the general meeting and rehearsal of the second year review held in San Sebastian, we had the opportunity to share good times face to face for the first time since the project started.

Besides reviewing the status of the project, we had the opportunity to share some of our culture, especially everything related to cider (Txotx!!!). We hope you enjoyed it. It has been a pleasure to host the meeting.

The spanish consortium
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Updated version of the VALU3S Project vocabulary
The systems and software engineering disciplines, techniques, and processes have vastly advanced during past decades. The progress is so rapid that terminology is updated in different domains simultaneously, which allows more definitions representing the same thing or unambiguous definitions leading to misunderstanding and faults in designs.

This document was prepared to collect terms used specifically in the context of the VALU3S project and to unify or narrow down their definitions.

Read vocabularty here >
Upcoming external events

August 8-12 
International Conference on INnovations in Intelligent SysTems and Applications

August 29- September 2 
31st IEEE International Conference on Robot & Human Interactive Communication

September 6
9th International Workshop on Next Generation of System Assurance Approaches for Critical Systems (SASSUR 2022)

September 6-9
The 41st International Conference
on Computer Safety, Reliability and Security

September 12-15
18th European Dependable Computing Conference

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