The first year with the DAIS project |
Now that 2021 ended, it is time to reflect on this year and thank all the project partners for their great contributions to the project, both before the project starts and after. During 2021, and despite having to deal with a global pandemic, we managed to reach our project millstones and objectives according to what we promised in the proposal. This was not possible without an active participation and contributions of the project partners as well as excellent contribution and coordination of our work package and task leaders. So far, 6 of the project deliverables have been submitted and another 8 will be prepared and submitted before summer this year. One of these deliverables was the DAIS project handbook where RISE as project coordinator collected and explains all the project routines and guidelines to help all the partners during execution of the project. We have also had an active involvement in dissemination and communication of the project results through participations in conferences, workshops, fairs that resulted in publication of a set of scientific articles as well as our agreement with several other EU projects, such as InSecTT to have collaborations and joint disseminations.
In 2021, we have put a great amount of focus on definition of project use cases as well as the requirements in which these use cases are planned to be evaluated upon. Thanks to the great effort from the WP1 (requirements) coordinator, we collected around 500 requirements that have been collected, filtered, and harmonized during the first 9 months of the project. This list of requirements together with an initial definition of use cases are the basis of evaluations and tests that are planned to be conducted later on in the project. Connecting to this effort and through the many online meetings, project partners discussed the DAIS hardware and software frameworks and as a result two deliverables has been preparing and will be submitted by the end of February. These frameworks are the basis for several Work Packages in the project and shows all project partners’ technical contributions and how they are linked with individual demonstrators within the project.
This year will be an exciting year where we dive deep into solving different technical challenges in the areas of edge computing and distributed AI. It is a year where our partners start designing and developing of their technical building blocks that we discussed last year. This is also a year where we continue our active contribution to the dissemination and communication of the project and its results, while investing more time on the exploitation of the project result as well as influencing the development of different standards through active participation in different standardisation initiatives and working groups.
We hope the year 2022 will be the year where the project partners meet in person to exchange insights and knowledge and so we can repeat our successful experience during the consortium meeting in Portugal in November. Until then, we wish you and your families good health. Many thanks again for your great work in 2021 and looking forward to many fruitful discussions and collaborations in 2022.
Ali Balador Project Coordinator and Senior Researcher at RISE Research Institutes of Sweden |
DAIS project started officially on May 1st 2021 |
The kickoff, which was held remotely, gathered all consortium partners for three days between 10-12th May. It marked the start of is going to be 36 months of ambitious, fun and rewarding DAIS work.
There are 47 partners from 11 countries working together in the DAIS project. We have representatives from academia, large corporations, SME:s, non-profits and research institutes. All partners are organized in a system of different work packages that come together to bring faster, more secure and energy efficient data processing solutions through the development of edge AI software and hardware components.
Read more about the DAIS workplan here |
DAIS F2F consortium meeting held during November 8-11 in Lisbon, Portugal, where nearly 70 representatives attended in person and several via Teams. |
Thank you to our partner PDMFC (Luis Miguel Campos) for hosting the meeting!
During the consortium meeting, several sessions focusing on technical WPs and use cases took place. Publications, status reports on ongoing work, future planning, recent achievements and highlights were presented by all partners. Nearly 500 requirements were discussed and analyzed by the project core team members, including the project coordination team and the leaders for different WPs, Tasks, and use cases.
We are now more than ready to take the next step in creating a solid foundation for edge computing in Europe. |
DAIS was one of the exhibitors at the European Forum for Electronic Components and Systems (EFECS) on Nov 23-25.
The conference focused on the European Union’s green and digital transitions under the theme ‘Our Digital Future’ for a green and competitive Europe. A great forum for discussing the latest trends and challenges in the fields of electronic components systems.
In time for the conference we prepared a video about DAIS. |
It is with great pleasure we announce the newly started liaison of projects DAIS and InSecTT!
The liaison will allow a close collaboration between teams from both projects on creating intelligent, secure and trustworthy systems. We are for example planning to conduct joint technical workshops and panel discussions to discuss concepts where we can benefit from each others expertise. We are also planning to explore future opportunities, such as joint activities in standardization events and organizing joint summer school and training events.
InSecTT started in June 2020 and receives funding from the Key Digital Technologies Joint Undertaking (KDT JU) under grant agreement No 876038. The JU receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and Austria, Sweden, Spain, Italy, France, Portugal, Ireland, Finland, Slovenia, Poland, Netherlands and Turkey. It is coordinated by Michael Karner from Virtual Vehicle.
Training for temporal sparsity in deep neural networks, application in video processing Authors: Amirreza Yousefzadeh, Manolis Sifalakis (Imec Netherlands)
Multicast Scheduling in SDN WISE to Support Mobile Nodes in Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks Authors: Federico Orozco-Santos, Victor Sempere-Paya, Javier Silvestre-Blanes, Teresa Albero-Albero
A Survey on Software-Defined Wireless Sensor Networks: Current status, machine learning approaches and major challenges Authors: Fabian Fernando Jurado Lasso, Letizia Marchegiani, Jesus Fabian Jurado, Adnan Abu Mahfouz, Xenofon Fafoutis (DTU)
Data Multiplexed and Hardware Reused Architecture for Deep Neural Network Accelerator Authors: Gopal Raut, Anton Biasizzo (JSI), Narendra Singh Dhakad, Neha Gupta
TSCH Multiflow Scheduling with QoS Guarantees: A Comparison of SDN with Common Schedulers Authors: Federico Orozco-Santos, Víctor Sempere-Payá, Javier Silvestre-Blanes , Teresa Albero-Albero |
The Arrowhead Framework is addressing IoT based automation. The approach take is that IoT's are abstracted to services. This to enable IoT interoperability in-between almost any IoT's. The creation of automation is based on the idea of local automation clouds. A local Arrowhead Framework cloud can compare to global cloud provide improvements and guarantees regarding:
•Real time data handling •Data and system security •Automation system engineering •Scalability of automation systems
The Norwegian DAIS use case will use the open source Eclipse Arrowhead Ecosystem.
This workshop will focus on AI and ML techniques, edge computing systems, and security and privacy approaches in view of data sharing in order to enable the smart and sustainable planning and operation of resource constrained IoT and edge computing applications. The workshop is organized within the scope of the European ITEA3 MIRAI and DAIS R&D projects.
It welcomes innovative contributions, early results and position papers addressing one or more of to the topics listed below, and intends to foster informal discussions and cross-fertilization on the convergence of AI and edge computing. |