Verification and Validation of Automated Systems’ Safety and Security
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From all of us to all of you
- A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
New text, this is from last year:

The activities conducted and the results obtained within the 1st year of the project have now been evaluated and the consortium is very happy to know that the project implementation has been satisfactory within this period. The consortium has also received a set of constructive feedback from the expert reviewers and the ECSEL project officer connected to the evaluation of the 1st year of the project. Addressing these valuable feedbacks will contribute to a successful implementation of the project within the remaining two years of the project.

The 2nd year of the project will, to a great extent, be dedicated to implementation of technologies (methods and tools) that contribute to addressing the project objectives. This will also be an exciting year where our web-based repository that has been built to store elements of verification and validation (V&V) processes will be populated with additional vital components needed to conduct a V&V activity. The repository is planned to be publicly available 6 month prior to the end of the project.

We believe that similar to the 1st year of the project, the consortium is going to reach the objectives set out for the 2nd year of the project through an active participation and contribution of the project partners. We expect that even within a major part of the 2nd year of the project, the consortium is going to have to deal with the global COVID-19 pandemics through organization of online meetings that replaced the initially planned face-to-face meetings. However, we believe that the 2nd year of the project will also mark the time where the project partners gather in one place for the first time to share thoughts and discuss about the project’s results and activities.

Currently, we are five months into the 2nd year of the project and the consortium is working hard to reach the objectives set out for the 5th milestone of the project. This includes finalization of 12 deliverables to be submitted in October and November, out of which two are public deliverables that will be placed under the project’s website. The consortium also participated in a workshop organized by the European Commission’s Horizon Results Booster team to sharpen its exploitation plan. A new series of training sessions targeting standardisation activities have also started within the 2nd year of the project. Moreover, the project partners have continued their contributions to the dissemination of the project’s results through publication of scientific conference and journal articles.

I would like to once again thank all the project partners for their active contributions to the project. Also, special thanks to you, readers of this newsletter, for showing interest in the project and following-up on its activities and results. Stay tuned for more project-related news, results, and updates and hope that you find this newsletter informative and useful.

Behrooz Sangchoolie
Coordinator of the VALU3S project and researcher in the Department of Electrification and Reliability at RISE Research Institutes of Sweden
VALU3S Blog article
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Formally Verifying Autonomous Systems
Dr Matt Luckcuck and Dr Marie Farrell discuss how robust Formal Methods can help to verify autonomous systems.

Autonomous and automated systems present a variety of challenges for robust verification and validation. Autonomous systems make choices without human intervention; they are often embodied in robotic systems, which mean that they can interact with the real world. Autonomous systems are being introduced into safety-critical scenarios, where their safety must be assured and, often, demonstrated to a regulator.
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VALU3S Workshops - Autumn 2021
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Standardisation Workshops, Autumn 2021

Do we have anything new to talk about?

On the 16th of September of 2021, the VALU3S project has initiated a new series of training sessions dedicated to standardisation. This is a new branch in training activities within VALU3S that aims at building an internal ecosystem for the exchange of information focused on aspects of established standards and ongoing standardisation activities that are of relevance to the work being performed in the project. Moreover, these training sessions have also the purpose to support the standardisation activities that are foreseen in the scope of the project and drive it towards the achievement of one of the project’s KPI that aims at the project being involved in at least 14 standardisation initiatives.

The first session was focused on the CEN ISO/IEEE 11073 Health informatics. This norm enables communication between medical, health care and wellness devices and external computer systems. They provide automatic and detailed electronic data capture of client-related and vital signs information, and of device operational data.
  1. Real-time plug-and-play interoperability for citizen-related medical, healthcare and wellness devices;
  2. Efficient exchange of care device data, acquired at the point-of-care, in all care environments.
  • "Real-time" means that data from multiple devices can be retrieved, time correlated, and displayed or processed in fractions of a second.
  • "Plug-and-play" means that all a user has to do is make the connection – the systems automatically detect, configure, and communicate without any other human interaction
  • "Efficient exchange of care device data" means that information that is captured at the point-of-care (e.g., personal vital signs data) can be archived, retrieved, and processed by many different types of applications without extensive software and equipment support, and without needless loss of information.
This norm could serve as inspiration in other domains in which the interoperability between devices is a must, and data sources can be of different types; The way the data is structured and real time registration is achieved can be of use in other domains.

As usual in VALU3S, the video of this first session (of the training dedicated to standardisation will made available in our Youtube channel as well as the videos of the future sessions), so stay tuned in our social networks, as the link for the video will be announced soon.
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Deliverables available at the VALU3S website
Should we keep this? Do we have anything new?

During September we have created a new section on the web presenting all our deliverables. This section will continuously be updated with information.

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New publications from VALU3S

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Promotion and communication
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Report from the EFECS2021

Can we make a summary from this event?
Do we have any new information?

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Upcoming external events

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