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Newsletter from RISE Research Institutes of Sweden
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ICE test & demo datacenter at RISE

Newsletter 3/2021 
In this issue:

  • Test bed for edge technology and 5G leads the development.
  • DC Farming - A guideline for implementing data center and greenhouse symbiosis.
  • Applications of Homomorphic encryption to edge computing.
  • A test bed for edge power far out in the 5G networks.
  • News in Swedish Television about our heat re-use project for Hybrit.
  • EUHub4Data urban bus service experiment with Skanatek has started.
  • Computation offloading of 5G devices at the Edge nodes using WebAssembly.
  • Increasing end-users’ awareness of the environmental impact of software.
  • Data centre efficiency fantasy or reality?
  • Data centre lifecycles – where do we begin?
  • The Swedish Space Data Lab at Innovation Days.
  • Powering urban edge data centers on biogas with direct heat recovery.
  • Explore the possibilities of data in the ICE data center.
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17159 testbed for edge power
Test bed for edge technology and 5G leads development
The collaboration between the research institute RISE and Luleå University of Technology has for the first time made it possible to carry out edge experiments in a real 5G network.
- Edge is the future. It is a key technology that will be the next big arena for digital innovation. Soon there will be an edge node in every street corner, says Tor Björn Minde from RISE.
17161 odling
DC Farming – A guideline for implementing data center and greenhouse symbiosis
This guideline has been made to support decision makers in the process of establishing an industrial symbiosis between data centers and greenhouses, based on residual heat reuse.

We hope to challenge all relevant actors to strive towards symbiosis as a collective solution towards a sustainable climate future.
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Applications of Homomorphic Encryption to Edge computing
Rickard Brännvall at ICE has received an NGI-Explorer, Next Generation Internet, grant. The proposed work together with Binghamton university concerns applications of Homomorphic Encryption to Edge computation.
A test bed for edge power far out in the 5G networks
Elektroniktidningen wrote about our edge testbed connected to 5G. We are on a mission to provide edge power to all over 5G.

A collaboration between the research institute Rise and Luleå University of Technology opens up for edge experiments in 5G networks.

- Edge is the future. It is a key technology that will be the next big arena for digital innovation. Soon there will be an edge node in every block, says Tor Björn Minde at Rise in a press release.

Swedish Television about our heat re-use project for Hybrit
Hybrit is a transformation project to hydrogen-based processing for the Swedish steel industry involving SSAB, LKAB and Vattenfall in the north of Sweden. 
EUHub4Data urban bus service experiment started
Tunnll is a next-generation mass transportation system for small towns. It is more efficient than fixed timetable bus services and than traditional Demand-Responsive Transport. Thanks to its efficiency, Tunnll is a sustainable solution for small towns with limited or no budgets. In collaboration with Skanatek.
Computation offloading using WebAssembly
Master thesis at RISE by Gustav Hansson

Edge Computing has emerged as a paradigm to handle this growth and, combined with 5G, enables complex time-sensitive applications running on resource-restricted devices. This master thesis investigated the use of WebAssembly in the context of computational offloading at the Edge.
Increased awareness of the environmental impact of software
Master’s thesis 2021 by Anne Keller at RISE.

With the growing energy demand connected to the use of data and digital services, software engineering industry needs to be sustainable both now and in the future. The goal was to find out how to affect end-users to become more aware of the impact  on the environment through software and at the same time make sure that future software is sustainable.
Dr Jon Summers, RISE
Data centre efficiency fantasy or reality?
In this presentation Dr Jon Summers, Scientific Lead in Data Centres at Research Institutes of Sweden (RISE) explores the widely misunderstood PUE metric.

This presentation is brought to you on behalf of the DCA's Sustainability Special Interest Group and provides an overview of what is currently available, under development and missing in data centre sustainability.
Powering urban edge data centers on biogas with direct heat recovery
Jon Summers was also invited by Datacenter Forum to join DC Energy Forum. Jon took the opportunity to present the Wedistrict project and our effort to join fuel cell technologies, liquid cooled IT and district heating networks.
Stanislava Borisova, RISE
Data centre lifecycles – where do we begin?
In June, Stanislava Borisova, sustainability researcher at RISE, was invited to present how to approach data centres in life cycle assessment (LCA) to The DCA (Data Centre Alliance). You can watch the recording of this presentation below.
Ann-Christin Uusitalo Eriksson, RISE
The Swedish Space Data Lab at Innovation Days
Ann-Christine Eriksson from ICE Datacenter at RISE was invited to talk at the Innovation Days - The Future - Rocket Science? in May.

Anki's presentation focused on the objective to increase the use of data from space for the development of society and industry and for the good of the planet. Swedish Space Data Lab, is a collaboration project between AI Sweden, the Swedish National Space Agency, RISE and Luleå University of Technology.
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Explore the possibilities of data in the ICE data center
Never before has so much data been available as now. This means enormous opportunities for those who know how it can be used or handled - but at the same time have access to the technology required. The ICE data center, run by RISE, helps companies and other businesses to analyze and process data such as computing power and software and hardware testing.
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