We are pleased to announce that VALU3S project is now part of Mobility.E Lighthouse, a collaboration and networking platform of excellent projects to keep the European industry ahead of the global competition. It assists in the uptake of future relevant technologies for electric, connected, automated driving (ECAD) and mobility solutions that address societal challenges.
VALU3S project aims to provide Verification & Validation tools for increasing the safety and security of automated systems in several domains, including Automotive and Mobility ones. These solutions will be indeed tested and validated in real-life use-cases cooperating with relevant industrial players.
EFECS2020, the European Forum for Electronic Components and Systems, has been successfully held on 25th-26th November 2020. Many relevant representatives of Industry and Academia, as well as of Institutions, have taken part to the event speaking about the hottest trend topics, such as the role of Electronic Components and Systems (ECS) in digital technologies and societal challenges, with a special focus on COVID-19 crisis and the issues (but also opportunities) arisen from it.
VALU3S Consortium also took part to the event with a crew of six representatives coming from different partners. Despite the remote modalities of the event due to current restrictions, the Virtual Fair environment arranged for the event has been an appreciated and smart solution to reproduce the live events we were used up to 2019. We’ve arranged a nice Virtual Booth, with materials and documents ready for the visitors; furthermore, we had chats and even phone calls with visitors when they needed additional information.
stakeholders and relevant players. We strongly hope to see you face-to-face at EFECS2021 and show the first results of VALU3S!!